Speaker Details

Speaker Company

Brad Gossard

Brad has 43 years of experience with mechanical and electrical components in the conveying business, from intralogistics (parcel/post, e-commerce, W&D) to F&B, CPG and life sciences. He has a BSc in mechanical engineering from UAB and a BSc in business from Indiana University. He currently works out of the RRX facility in Florence, Kentucky.


Approachable last-mile automated sortation – safe, quiet, scalable, efficient

As intralogistics package volumes increase dramatically each year due to the impact of e-commerce coupled with manpower shortages and safety concerns, unit material handling applications continue to search for automated package diversion and sortation solutions. Sophisticated fixed automation sortation solutions for large facilities exist today but most of the last-mile applications remain manual. Converting manual package diversion or sortation to an automated solution across a wide variety of package types, sizes and weights is problematic. We will discuss the last-mile sortation application needs with an eye to throughput, safety, scalability, condition monitoring and efficiency.